Friday, April 10, 2009

Toyota's Stimulus Program?

Okay, here comes the shameless plug. Toyota has come out with some great incentives. 1.9% on the Seqouia up to 60 months. 0% up to 60 months on the Yaris and last but not least 4.9% on the Rav-4. Here comes the disclamer stuff all Rebates and Cash Incentives are from the manufacture and are O.A.C. ( blaa ) blaa) To put it simply you can save some Dough Ray Me! I dont know if you are like me but saving money is on the top of my list. Save at the pump with a gas sipping Prius. I know that Gas is Cheap but remember it will go up. Think back to when Gas was under a dollar. Well if you need anything Call the Store and ask for Jimmy

